Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Voting for the 5th Book

Sonja suggested we read from the Top 100 BBC List. Click on the Title (above) to see the full list.

What books made the top of our lists?

Jodi's List:
Midnight's Children
Nineteen Eighty Four
Anna Karenina
Catch 22
The Complete Works of Shakespeare

Laura's List:
Nineteen Eighty Four
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Kite Runner

Sonja's List:
Wuthering Heights
Anna Karenina
The Kite Runner

Debbie's List:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Kite Runner
The Time Traveller's Wife

Ann's List:
Brave New World
Kite Runner

Reba's List:
Brave New World
Kite Runner
The Odyssey
Driving With Dead People
Religious Literacy

Final Choices:

Kite Runner
Brave New World (based on e-mails)

Vote on either Kite Runner or BNW, or add in your own suggestion. Write your opinion below by clicking on comments. :)


MebbieDo said...

I vote for The Kite Runner, but I am easily swayed. I'm a flip flopper!

Anonymous said...

1984 seems to be on 4 different lists....that's my vote. :*)
And, I love this blog thingy....it makes me feel like I can keep up with those young whippersnappers with their technology.

Crazy said...

I suppose I'd read any of them....I'd also like to read The Kite Runner....but maybe I'm just saying that so I can post on the blog again.

Reba said...

Thanks for setting this up Debbie!

Unknown said...

I'd rather read Kite Runner because I've already read 1984.

PS: Debbie - can we turn word verification off for the comments?

MebbieDo said...

I turned word verification off, hopefully we won't get too many spammers:)

Mrs. Magyar said...

ummm...I saw the movie Kite Runner and really don;t want to read it. 1984 reminds me too much of the Bush years and I am kind of enjoying the bliss of the possibility of totalitarianism not replacing democracy.
Is there something a bit more fun and thought provoking?
(and just a side note, as I write this I am in class, the kids are watching Sean of the Dead, and I am making myself sick with Twilight Sweethearts...shhh they don;t know I'm eating candy in class)

Unknown said...

Ann - as I want to read Kite Runner eventually (even if it's on my own) I'm curious to know why you don't want to read it? Did you hate the story?

Mrs. Magyar said...

beautiful story, I just get enough real life depressing, tragic and unfair stuff that happens to good people with my job, so I have been trying to get some hope and uplifting stuff from my entertainment/spare time nourishment.

MebbieDo said...

New suggestion: BONK

I want to read about sex!

Crazy said...

Bonk sounds really good.

(I figured out how to log into my google account through here, so now I'm fourtwenty....don't get confused)


Mrs. Magyar said...

ohhh-grown up sex! sounds good to me.

Reba said...

Bonk looks good. I enjoyed reading Stiff.

Reba said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MebbieDo said...

So is it agreed? Are we going to read BONK for our next book?

Reba said...

I'm good with Bonk.

Unknown said...

I'm good w/ Bonk as well, and I think Laura expressed interest - she's the only one we're waiting on for the final ok?

Laura...Laura...are you there? :) Please confirm so that I can add another donation to the Amazon coffers.