Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Discussion for Book #6

What, oh what shall we read???


Unknown said...

Since we had the most discussion about Freakonomics so far, maybe something else that will spark debate?

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely looks interesting...

Or - I'm also down w/ other suggestions, just wanted to start the discussion...

Laura Lawrence said...

I just started reading this book. I'm about 10 pages in and so far, so interesting.


Unknown said...

Ooo - that looks interesting, too!

Mrs. Magyar said...


This book was fascinating, with plenty of controversy and discussion topics about religion and women, immigration, etc.

Mrs. Magyar said...

Sonja and Laura, both of those look interesting too-and certainly both would count as professional development for me

Unknown said...

I like all 3 of these suggestions...wow, we're swimming in really interesting books to possibly read.

Laura Lawrence said...

Well, we are some smaht girls. :)

Any of those three look interesting to me, and I've already started on the drug one (because I had it next in the queue).

Reba? Debbie? Jodi?

MebbieDo said...

I would be excited to read any of those three, but am more interested in reading the book about drugs.

Crazy said...

Drugs! Drugs!

Unknown said...

Ok - looks like we have a consensus on the drug book? I'm buying it!

Reba said...

I'm psyched about the book, but can everyone afford to buy this new hardcover book or does anyone know of affordable ways to buy it?

Laura Lawrence said...

I am almost done with my copy and am loaning it to Jodi until she can get her library copy. Maybe after she gets the library copy I can loan you mine?

Mrs. Magyar said...

I don't think KC libraries even has the book yet. I would love to borrow a copy when someone is done. In the meantime I'll keep looking.

MebbieDo said...

The book is on SALE today at amazon:
